What am I up to? Holiday Edition
I’ve been silent for awhile so I need to apologize and check in I suppose! It has been a super wild summer and fall. I’ve neglected you and I’m sorry! I’ve been working away everywhere else though! Stopping to write can be challenging for me. I mean stopping to do anything is a challenge now.
Life is awesome for the Blomeley girls. We are all running at full speed and enjoying it all. My oldest started college and is thriving. Or she says she is. Who knows really. The other one will tell you that she is dying but she is thriving as well. We have a new guy (well he has been around awhile) that will join the family soon. He has finally settled down after realizing that we will and often say whatever we are thinking and there is no way to change it. He just gave in and laughs now. It’s a Blomeley girl trait.
I am officially settling into the life of a badass multiple business owner. It’s hard to find a balance people! I finally hired another assistant because my assistant needed an assistant. So, now there’s two assistants. And a third is coming soon. Because now I need an assistant, then she needs an assistant then I need an assistant to handle another issue. #keepup #assistantseverywhere
I am proud to be growing in all aspects of my life. It’s been a wonderful and proud year for me. I have a new project launching in the first quarter that hasn’t been “let out” yet so I’ll hold that secret for a little while longer. It’s phenomenal though and will be a huge step for me and my team.
I am getting married soon. Yep, I also kept that secret. Actually, I’m still keeping it. Very few know. I’m mysterious guys. You should already know that. Wayne is a wonderful guy that just gets us all so well. I realized five years ago that I probably wouldn’t remarry because 1. No one can handle me. 2. No one will ever be good enough for me and my girls. 3. I don’t want to settle. 4. No one can handle me. I told him that I would just have dinner with him and that was it. I knew instantly that things would be different. He listens. He laughs at my many comments and jokes. He understands me fully. He’s kind. He’s sweet and loving. He is comfortable being with a powerhouse. I make no apologies in my life. I plan to succeed further and grow and grow. I don’t plan to sit and make cookies. I mean, I can run a business and make cookies too. I can also make biscuits from scratch. Take that. I love my life!
Bottom line - everyone around me is scaling up. It’s ridiculously awesome.
The holidays - the corporate world actually gets busier during the holidays instead of January. Although January is also wild. I’m not even sure what I’m saying because every month is wild. Scratch all the above. I’ll discuss the new “thingy” below. If you are a member of our facility, the trainers will be doing “whatever they freaking want” in December. So, keep up and bring water. We are all building and trying new programs for our January launch so keep coming! January will be awesome with a few new classes. As far as my personal training schedule, I can fit MAYBE one more client in. I am booked solid with the most awesome clients ever. They are making strides right and left. I usually start slow but then unleash the “full Molly” eventually. My newest guy, a successful college athlete just looked at me and took a step back. “You want me to do this?” Yes sir. He DOUBLED his food intake and BOOM, he’s lifting heavier, performing better, sleeping more and has cut faster than he expected. He is ecstatic. I’m excited that he trusted me.
He’s just one of my awesome “guys” right now. I adore them all. I’m thankful that they trust me and believe in my ability. When they shine, I shine. When they succeed, I succeed and that makes me truly happy to see them thriving!
Back to the holidays- hmm. We recently went on a family trip to Disney. Who. Does. That. Not me. I went once when I was a teenager and just never fell in love with it. We had a great time but let’s be honest, not even I am in Disney shape. Wow.
I enjoyed spending time with my new family though. I have enjoyed buying for the new grand kids as well! They are all awesome and I look forward to getting to know them more.
Oh, how did I forget my new injury? Yay me. I slipped a disk in my lower back this time. It was feeling left out I suppose. That. Sucked. Big. Time. It’s still not feeling great but after a steroid shot, it feels some better. I go next week to discuss the next step. How about the next step be something to ease pain? Just a thought. It has started the other “stupid disk” into an issue as well. I knew that I would have to have the stupid one fixed eventually so I’m just waiting on it to implode. I did celebrate 25 years of teaching high impact aerobics this fall so I guess I was just waiting on it. Again, yay me. I manage very well until things like Disney. That’s a gigantic NO for my spine. But, no worries, I’ll still manage everyday!
Well, I guess that’s a catch up with us. If you need me, let me know! Merry Christmas and all the other things too!
P.S.- Oh, I forgot the “thingy.” Lol. Chad and I launched a HUGE discount on our APP. You can get 7 days for $1. One whole dollar people. People are loving it… You will too! Here is a link with more info: HERE
Hey there!
I’m Molly, a fitness and nutrition coach for busy professionals who want to gain back their energy, feel stronger, and fit into their old clothes again.
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