Molly Blomeley Fitness

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Wine and Nutrition. Yes or No?

While all types of wine can provide numerous health benefits to the body, red wine is particularly renowned for its disease-fighting properties. But why is red wine considered healthier than white wine or rosé? Because red wine is made of dark red grapes, giving it a rich amount of the antioxidant resveratrol. Antioxidants combat oxidative stress, which is caused by oxygen-containing free radicals throughout the body. These radicals easily react with other molecules in the body, leading to many health problems including cancer, heart disease, and more.

Drinking red wine in moderation can prove to be helpful in the fight against many health disorders. However, more research has yet to be done on the subject and alcoholic beverages should always be taken in moderation. Maybe I’ll start my own research study. Whose in?

The most researched health benefit of red wine is cardiovascular health. Moderately drinking red wine has been reported to lower the risk of coronary heart disease and reduce blood pressure. This is mostly caused by the antioxidants and polyphenols that promote gut health, further protecting the heart.

Other studies have shown that one glass of red wine per day can be useful for Type 2 Diabetes, although people should always consult with their doctor before trying. The ethanol in wine reportedly helps metabolize glucose and reduce insulin resistance. 

While wine can be damaging to the body when too much is consumed, some studies have shown that red wine can be useful when fighting and avoiding certain cancers. For example, red wine can reduce estrogen levels and increase testosterone in females, which can reduce the risk of breast cancer. Other studies have shown that red wine can reduce the risk of colon, prostate, and ovarian cancer.

The polyphenols in red wine can also reduce the risk of developing Dementia or Alzheimers Disease by reducing inflammation and altering the lipids in the body. 

All of these studies show that red wine can have positive effects on the body when taken in moderation. However, alcohol can also have severe negative effects and should only be done cautiously and with the consent of a doctor. Be smart friends!

Hey there!

I’m Molly, a fitness and nutrition coach for busy professionals who want to gain back their energy, feel stronger, and fit into their old clothes again.

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